Valais Blacknose Sheep Registry
and Info
Registry artwork by Dorota Kudyba.
Needle Felters - Spinners - Fiber Artists
Oh, the AMAZING wool many of us have gotten from
our Valais Blacknose cross sheep.
The micron count is higher as the wool is coarse,
But the blend with other breeds gives it the stability for items like
purses, shoes, hats, rugs, wall hangings, etc.
Your Registrar works with wool constantly and teaches classes here in Texas
( just outside of Fort Worth).
Below are jut a few photos showing things you can do with their wool.
ALL of that wool is from ONE Valais F1 wether.
See him "naked" in back. He is one year old in this photo.
F1 Valais locks dyed
Used in scarf shown below.
Blue and purple art yarn on left
Scarf using Valais F1 locks on right
Needle and wet felted hat
Spun art yarn
Valais F1 locks
Wool wet felted scarf
If you'd like more info about classes, etc.
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Valais Blacknose
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- Valais Blacknose Sheep - Valais Blacknose Sheep - Valais Blacknose Sheep